19/20 Vision Selected As Semi-Finalist for Bay Area Playwright’s Festival 2020

Playwright’s Foundation has announced its semi-finalists for the 2020 Bay Area Playwright’s Festival and selected Daysha Veronica’s new play, 19/20 Vision.

The Bay Area Playwright’s Festival is one of the oldest and most successful new play festivals in the US. Established in 1976 by Robert Woodruff, the festival has continuously discovered original and distinctive new voices in the theater, and invested in the development of their work.

Many prize winning, nationally significant playwrights got their first professional experiences at the BAPF. Examples include Pulitzer Prize winners Nilo Cruz, Annie Baker and Sam Shepard, MacArthur Award winners Sam Hunter and Marcus Gardley, Lauren Gunderson (one of the most produced living playwrights in the U.S.), and Katori Hall prior to her Broadway debut.

19/20 Vision tells the story of a young black woman in college whose trauma of growing up in an abusive household has begun to leak out of the depths of her subconscious and deeply affect her interactions with those around her. After learning the news of her mother’s engagement to her abusive boyfriend, she must decide with her microagressive white therapist if she will return home for winter break (or ever). It is available to read on New Play Exchange.


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